Thursday, November 12, 2009

Little Miss Spray Tan

So after lunch I log onto Twitter to find Carrie Prejean in the Trending Topics. I rolled my eyes and said to myself, "what has she done, or said, to set women back another 50 years now?" As i read other peoples comments about her, which were mostly negative, I discovered all the buzz was about a Larry King interview she had done yesterday evening.

For those of you who may not know or need a little reminder of who Carrie Prejean is, here is the moment that made her the infamous martyr of "opposite marriage."
Carrie ended being the runner-up to Miss USA (whatever her name is), and the next day started blasting Perez Hilton and the "liberals" for sabotaging her chances at winning because she was against gay marriage.

Even though I do not agree with her answer, it is her right to believe that way. She did not win because of her beliefs, it was because she delivered her answer with as much grace and poise as cracked out Whitney at an award show (remember that?). If these beauty pageant women are going to portray the males unattainable fantasy of us women, then they have to be the total unrealistic package. "I believe in opposite marriage," is a horrible disqualifying answer.

Fast-forward to Carrie being dethroned as Miss California, a nude photo scandal, a boob job and a sex tape, you stop at the Larry King interview. Now Carrie was being interviewed to promote her book, but the real news is why she settled her law suit against Miss California Organization, (MCO). Rumor has it the ex Miss California's lawsuit torpedoed when her sex-tape surfaced which (MCO) has in their possession.
See this is why you don't have people who have run out their 15 minutes of fame go passed their 15 minutes, because somehow they think they are important enough to call shots. The only reason Carrie is still relevant today, is because we're all waiting for the sex tape to leak, and you know how America LOVES a good sex tape. As hypocritical as she is I'm still waiting for her secret lesbian lover to come out the closet and expose her.... I don't know maybe that's a little ambitious, but who knew that little miss spray tan would have a sex tape??