Friday, December 18, 2009

Kill the Gays: It's 2009, Everybody's Doing It! Part 1

DISCLAIMER: I in no means support this bill. I personally think its disgusting, and hope for its failure.

Over the last few weeks, a story has broke, mostly thanks to Rachel Maddow, about the Ugandan governments agenda to pass legislation making homosexuality a crime punishable by law. A few punishments outlined in the bill are, life in prison for being a homosexual, death by hanging if your gay and HIV positive, and up to 3 years in prison if you know someone is gay and do not report them. Now I know that this sounds crazy. U must be thinking how can people get away with that this day and age? This would never happen in America. While there is no "burn the gays at the stake" bill in America, certain elite Americans have been most influential in the inspiration of the Kill the Gays Bill.

Now, in order to get a bill passed, there has to be a pretty convincing reason for needing the law. Right? In California, the no texting while driving law was passed because someone convinced the government it was a much needed addition for peoples well being and safety. So who or what could have justified the need for a "kill the gays bill?" The answer is one of the forerunners of the "cure the gay" movement, Richard Cohen.

In the clip below, Rachel Maddow introduces Richard Cohen and his unconventional "curing" techniques.

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Richard cohen is a non-licensed, former gay, councilor who claims he can cure the gays, by having grown men cuddle with eachother. In fact, he has written a book, "Coming Out Straight: Understanding and Healing Homosexuality" that gives a step by step guide to do just what the title says, come out straight.

Cohen, is the influential force behind the kill the gays bill. At a "pray the gay away" conference in Uganda, Stephen Langa, the leader of the conference,uses Cohen as a prime example to support claims that homosexuality is a choice.

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Stephen Langa is filmed citing Cohen's book and his life experiences as evidence that homosexuality is curable. Langha later on had a strong hand in drafting the kill the gays bill.

Now these are outrageous claims Rachel Maddow has made, so she rightfully gave Richard Cohen a chance to maybe clear the air. Not only did he give his side of the stoy, but in the process also made himself seem less credible, even though him not being a licensed anything does that by itself. Watch the clip in its's entertaining.

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Being gay herself, Rachel Maddow, is very passionate about this subject, and does not go easy on Cohen. They have a spirited debate which ends in Cohen publicly denouncing things he wrote in his book, and losing the little credibility he had.

There is so much more to speak on about this issue. Inequality, and hate against homosexuals is not only Uganda, but also in our own country and around the world. There is so much more to speak on about this issue so I will be writing a second blog, part 2, in the days to come.